Πέμπτη 30 Οκτωβρίου 2014


Here's a test! Do you think that you're a real best friend? Check it out!

1) You know that your friend's boyfriend don't have the same emotions with her. But your friend insists on asking him for a date. You:
     A) Try to deter her in all the ways.
     B) Let her do it. She doesn't have anything to lose.
     C) Deter to hurt her psychological.
     D) Tell her that he doesn't love her.
2) You borrow your friend's favorite dress, but you begrimed it with sauce for pasta. When she ask you to give it back:
     A) You tell it to her and you give her 20Euro buy a new one.
     B) You give it her back and you apologize.
     C) You try to explain t to her and you lend her your favorite jacket.
     D) You tell her that you've already give it back to her.
3) Your best friend has her birthday.
     A) You ask her what she wants to buy.
     B) You tell her that you'll go to the movies together.
     C) You make a small basket with a lot of presents.
     D) You buy her something you saw in a shop few days ago.
4) You have gone out with some classmates, who start gossip your best friend. When they ask your opinion:
     A) You support her and leave the companionship.
     B) Change discussion.
     C) You say that she's a cool person.
     D) You say something for her that they didn't know.
5) You call your frind:
     A) At least 3 times every day.
     B) Only to see if happened something.
     C) When you have something to tell her.
     D) When you need something.
6) The most popular person in the school, throw a party and he invite you, but not your best friend. You:
     A) Deny to go alne.
     B) Say to your best friend that was awfully without her.
     C) Ask him if your best friend can come with you.
     D) Recite everything that happened and you tell her how much fun lost.
7) Your best friend calls you and tells you that her cat is very sick and maybe is necessary to do her euthanasia. So, she needs you. But you hate cats. What will you do?:
     A) You watch fotographs and videos of kittens in Internet.
     B) You go to her house, you hug her, but then leave her.
     C) You go to her house and you try to comfort her.
     D) You call her and tell her that she has to relax.
8) Your best friend confess you that she fells fat. You:
     A) Tell her that you disagree.
     B) Start grouse about your defects.
     C) Ask her to start together going to the fitness to give her courage.
     D) Tell her that you're so lucky to have so good metabolism.
9) In your opinion, the best friends:
     A) Is difficult to find.
     B) Is difficult to keep them.
     C) They are real treasure.
     D) Come and leave.
10) You're getting ready to go with your best friend to the movies. Suddenly, your boyfriend calls you and ask you to go for a walk to the park near the cinema. You:
     A) Ask your best friend for her opinion.
     B) Go to the movies and after the film you run to meet your boyfriend.
     C) Tell your boyfriend you have already scheduled.

Most of your answers A
*Sidekick friend:
You would do everything for your best friend. Literally everything! It sounds romantic, but maybe you have to rethink it...? You won't hobnob with other people, you'll leave you boyfriend, you'll borrow money without waiting her to give it back to you.... As much dative as you are, these aren't bases for a good friendship. These aren't bases for anything kind of relation.... The friends should be supported on the respect both of thems personality and the neccesities both of them (one of them is yours!).

Most of your answers B
*You can do better:
You're the best friend-exemplar! So, why don't you want to be the friend who can everyone trust you? You have some elements in your character that block you to be good in your friendships and these elements are usually about your egoism or your low confidence. Try to take away your competitiveness that you feel for your friends. Also, try to boost the way you support your opinion. You have a lot to give! Don't be afraid of others!

Most of your anwsers C
*Count on me:
You know how to be "best freind" in the hole meaning of this word. You aren't afraid of giving things to others and share everything that you have. Simultaneously, you have the sence of where stops the profitability and where starts the utilization. You hane the unusual talent to have balance in your relations and that's what make people respect you and value you just like you do. The friends that you have today, will be near to you forever!

Most of your answers D
*Treackerous friend:
What's that attract otr=hers to you, is your strong personality and yours character "power". You say exactly the things without addnd any "sauses". You don't change your habits for anyone, and that's maybe shows a strong personality, but that's means that you lose the value of being friend. Friendship means to do recedences and accept other the way he/she is. Be careful, because with your behavior you hurt others without knowing that you do so. If your target is to make friendships that will hold on time, you should learn to make some receedences.

So, are you a real best friend???

Τρίτη 28 Οκτωβρίου 2014


All the people is having fun in the party when you're there or people is afraid of talking to you? When you're walking everyone comes to talk to you or you always cover the best "places" of your body and your soul? Answer with honesty the following questions and find out what impression you bring out to others and how you can improve it!
Let's start!

1) When someone makes you a compliment, you...
     A) You're smiling
     B) You feel uneasily
     C) You're pride
2) You're in a party, but you're bored. What are you going to do?
     A) You say jokes
     B) You find a excuse to leave
     C) You turn over the pages of a magazine
3) They ask you to take part to a broadcast...
     A) You accept, because it will be a new
     B) You deny kindly
     C) You are happy, because at last someone saw your talent
4) You think the appearance...
     A) Is deceptive
     B) Can befool
     C) Is revelatory
5) When they ask you a indiscreet question...
     A) You try to change the discussion
     B) You don't know how to react
     C) You answer with ridicule
6) A sympathetic person...
     A) Has raised a ability
     B) Has a connatural talent
     C) Knows how to treat
7) You find a feminine earring to the pocket of your boyfriend...
     A) You wear it to see what he'll say
     B) You think that it would be of his friend's
     C) You ask him who is she
8) You think that the honesty is...
     A) A liability that everyone should have
     B) A unusual advantage
     C) Unreal

If you have answered with...
More A:
People think of you that you're social and extravert with confidence. They see you as a spontaneous person, cheerful with everyone, relaxed to all the cases. You abominate the pharisaism, the envy, the clatter and the inconsideration.
More B:
People see you as knock-kneed and removed. Retiring and introvert, you don't show your real character at others, so they believe that you're snob and upstage. You speak out to people who have gained your trustiness.
More C:
People think of you that you're closed and unapproachable. It's very difficult for someone to gain your trustiness, even people of your close surroundings. People see you as a supercilious person and that you have bid idea for yourself. You have to try to be more condescending and relaxed.

That's all! Thanks for reading!!!! <3

Σάββατο 25 Οκτωβρίου 2014


Little and simple advices for your lovely pet!

Clean pet=Lovely pet
The personal animals' hygiene is a very important matter, that needs daily attention. Here's some tips for the every day sanitation:
1) Clean the soles with wipes every time you come back from a walk. In that way, your pet will be clean and also it won't convey microbes everyt=where in the house.
2) Clean tactically its ears with a drop of spunkie   
or chamomile on a little piece of cotton and wipe 
carefully and mellowly the inside surface of the 
3) When your pet has a strong smell, the best 
way and most simple is to clean (without having 
a bath), take a big boll with hot water, 2 
spoonful of vinegar and a clout and start wipe 
along its hair. The smell disapear and the hair 

Strange trouble
Our lovely pets are in daangerous all the time 
from the known and annoying parasites. The 
most popular are fleas which could turn to 
triggered skin, epilation and infection. Fleas can 
also transmit others parasites to your cat or dog 
which are very dangerous for your pet's life and to 
your life. So, to be everyone safe, don't forget to 
give to your pet a antiparasitic pill every 3 months 
and of course your pet must wear the antiparasitic

It's time for a walk!
The dogw, cats, hamsters and others pets need 
some daily exercise to be strong, healthy and in fit.
Specially foe dogs, walks aren't only a practice, 
it's also a way to communicate with other people 
and pets. Besides, it's a process to connect you and 
your pet and have fun together. Don't forget to take 
with you kickshows to award it when it does 
something good!

Did you know?
*You can use shampoo and colognes for babies 
to your pets too!
*You should award your pet with kickshows when 
it does something good!


Find your color:
December 23 to January 1 - Red 

January 2 to January 11 - Orange 

January 12 to January 24 - Yellow 

January 25 to February 3 - Pink 

February 4-February 8 - Blue 

February 9 to February 18 - Green 

February 18-February 28Brown

March 1 to March 10 - Aqua 

March 11 to March 20 - Lime 

March 21 - Black 

March 22 to March 31 - Purple 

April 1 to April 10 - Navy 

April 11 to April 20 - Silver 

April 21 to April 30 - White 

May 1 to May 14 - Blue 

May 15 to May 24 - Gold 

May 25 to June 3 - Cream 

June 4 to June 13 - Grey 

June 14 to June 23 - Brown 

June 24 - Grey 

June 25 to July 4 - Red 

July 5 to July 14 - Orange 

July 15 to July 25 - Yellow 

July 26 to August 4 - Pink 

August 5 to August 13 - Blue 

August 14 to August 23 - Green 

August 24 to September 2 - Brown 

September 3 to September 12 - Aqua 

September 13 to September 22 - Lime 

September 23 - Olive 

September 24 to October 3 - Purple 

October 4 to October 13 - Navy 

October 14 to October 23 - Silver 

October 24 to November 11 - White 

November 12 to November 21 - Gold 

November 22 to December 1 - Cream 

December 2 to December 11 - Grey 

December 12 to December 21 - Chestnut 

December 22 -  Blue green

See what means your birthday color:
You're a sweet and lovely person. You're optional, but all the time in love. You like to be loved. Fresh and cheerful, but sometimes you can become very angry with eveything.
You're really responsible for your actions and you know how to behave to others. You always have targets and ou're very antagonistic. Adout your friendship, you can't easy trust people, but when you find your real best friend, you trust him/her forever.
You're sweet and guiltless and everyone can trust you. You are usually the leader in the most of your relations. You always tka the right choices the time they need. You dream the best and really romantic relation with your girlfriend/boyfriend.
You always do the best you can in all the cases of your life. You like help others and you care about them. But you aren't the boys/girls that others can satisfy you easy. Sometimes, you do bad thinkings and they reflect you. You are looking for a romantic relation with your girlfriend/boyfriend, like the tales.
You have low confidence and you're very selective. You are good in lots of arts. You like to be in love, but you usually love with your maind and not with your heart.
You're social and not shy. Sometimes, you upset otahers with your words. You like a lot the feeling of being loved and your partener discern you. The most of your life, you're singe and you're waiting for the special person to come.
You're very active and athletic. It's difficult for people to close to you, but you can love very easy. When you understand that you can't have something, you give up quickly and you forget it easy.
Your feelings change quickly and easy. You're honest, but also you can trust people without any discredits. It's very difficult for you to find the real love and very easy to lose it, and that can hurt you a lot.
You're meek and you can very easy get inordinately nervous. You're jelous and you complain with everything.
You like getting challenges and you're very brave. Anyway, you don't like changes in your life and when you take a decesion, don't change it for a long time.
You're mysterious and you want to learn new things. You aren't jelous and your attitude can make your days good or bad proportionately. You're popular in your friendship, but sometimes youtreat stupid and you forget things. You're looking for people who can trust.
You're very glamorous and you love your life. Your feelings are very strong. Everything that it is near to you, can extract your attetion. If you are angry with someone, hardly you can forgive him/her. 
You have very big fantasy, but you're also shy. Being shy doesn't stop you of trying new thinds. You like the challenges and you can learn something without any hard work. Your life's lve is difficult to find and it mix you up.
You have dreams and targets in your life. You envy and sometimes you think that you're the best. Usually, the people near to you see you with fear.
You have a good sense of what's wrong and what's right. You're cheerful and extravert. It's very difficult to you to find the right person for you. If you fall in love, you won't chande for a long time.
You very antagonistic and eumorphic. You don't like to lose, but you're always cheerful. People can easy trust you. Also you're extravert. You choose your love very carefully and you don't fall in love easy. But when you find the suitable, you don't let him/her to go.
You're attractive and active. You never cover your feelings and you always phrase whta's inside. But sometimes you can become very egoist. You want to signalize in your life and you don't want to be treaten unfairly. You know what to say the right time and you also have good sence of humor. You usually are the reason to make the day of someone.
You're warm and shiny person. You're doing well with your friends and your family. You hate impetuosity and whta's right and what's wrong. You're kind and cheerful and you difficult begrudge others.
You're clever and you always know what's right. You want to control everything so it would happen just the way you want and that's something that can make a lot of problems, specially when you don't care about the feelings pepole feel. But you have patience about love. If you find the suitable, you don't let him/her to go.
Blue green:
You care a lot about your seeming and you have lots of demands of your partener. You think a lot before you take a choice and you abstain stupid mistakes. You want to be the leader and that's a way to make new friends.

Thanks for reading!

Κυριακή 12 Οκτωβρίου 2014


I'm sure that there are times that you're really bored with everything! There's some ideas to do something interestind:

First of all, you can do your drawing talent. Search beautiful landscapes and then paint them!

You can make your own movies! It's something interesting and -who kwons?- maybe you have this talent!

You can make your music! I mean write lyrics and music and then perform it!

Experiment in your kitchen! Make something sweet, take photos and eat it!

Try out different kinds of make-up styles to see how they look! Make funky designs with nail pens!

Go to the movies with your friends or borrow a movie at home and invite your best friend! Romantic, horor, commedy or something else that you like!

Makeover your closet!  Go through your clothes and see what you've outgrown or don't wear anymore. You'll feel good clearing out space for new things.

Teach your pet a new trick to impress your family and your friends!

Exercise in your house! Search in Youtube exercising videos. In that way you'll be in fit and you won't be bored anymore!

Take your bike and head out into your city or town!

Become a volunteer! It's a way to spend your free time helping people or animals!

Do something simple more interesting!Try to come up with a project that would be challenging and interesting!

Read a mystery book! Guess the solution before read the detective's!

Take selfies!

Thanks for readind! <3

Σάββατο 11 Οκτωβρίου 2014


Do you want to have the best party ever?
Do you want everyone talk about your party?
Then keep reeding!

So, let's start with the most important! You have to invite a lot of people. Girls and boys in a big house. The next important is music! Choose a music station that has only hits so everyone will have fun! About the food, it isn't difficult! You can make sandwiches or buy pizza! Buy a lot of juices in a variety of flavours. Also, you can buy soft drinks but it's a most expensive way...
The next and very important is to have NO rules! You can just please not to make a mess.

Don't forget to inform your neighbors about loudly music!

Have fun and show to your guests that you aren't the quiet person they believe you are!

Good luck and just have fun!