Πέμπτη 30 Οκτωβρίου 2014


Here's a test! Do you think that you're a real best friend? Check it out!

1) You know that your friend's boyfriend don't have the same emotions with her. But your friend insists on asking him for a date. You:
     A) Try to deter her in all the ways.
     B) Let her do it. She doesn't have anything to lose.
     C) Deter to hurt her psychological.
     D) Tell her that he doesn't love her.
2) You borrow your friend's favorite dress, but you begrimed it with sauce for pasta. When she ask you to give it back:
     A) You tell it to her and you give her 20Euro buy a new one.
     B) You give it her back and you apologize.
     C) You try to explain t to her and you lend her your favorite jacket.
     D) You tell her that you've already give it back to her.
3) Your best friend has her birthday.
     A) You ask her what she wants to buy.
     B) You tell her that you'll go to the movies together.
     C) You make a small basket with a lot of presents.
     D) You buy her something you saw in a shop few days ago.
4) You have gone out with some classmates, who start gossip your best friend. When they ask your opinion:
     A) You support her and leave the companionship.
     B) Change discussion.
     C) You say that she's a cool person.
     D) You say something for her that they didn't know.
5) You call your frind:
     A) At least 3 times every day.
     B) Only to see if happened something.
     C) When you have something to tell her.
     D) When you need something.
6) The most popular person in the school, throw a party and he invite you, but not your best friend. You:
     A) Deny to go alne.
     B) Say to your best friend that was awfully without her.
     C) Ask him if your best friend can come with you.
     D) Recite everything that happened and you tell her how much fun lost.
7) Your best friend calls you and tells you that her cat is very sick and maybe is necessary to do her euthanasia. So, she needs you. But you hate cats. What will you do?:
     A) You watch fotographs and videos of kittens in Internet.
     B) You go to her house, you hug her, but then leave her.
     C) You go to her house and you try to comfort her.
     D) You call her and tell her that she has to relax.
8) Your best friend confess you that she fells fat. You:
     A) Tell her that you disagree.
     B) Start grouse about your defects.
     C) Ask her to start together going to the fitness to give her courage.
     D) Tell her that you're so lucky to have so good metabolism.
9) In your opinion, the best friends:
     A) Is difficult to find.
     B) Is difficult to keep them.
     C) They are real treasure.
     D) Come and leave.
10) You're getting ready to go with your best friend to the movies. Suddenly, your boyfriend calls you and ask you to go for a walk to the park near the cinema. You:
     A) Ask your best friend for her opinion.
     B) Go to the movies and after the film you run to meet your boyfriend.
     C) Tell your boyfriend you have already scheduled.

Most of your answers A
*Sidekick friend:
You would do everything for your best friend. Literally everything! It sounds romantic, but maybe you have to rethink it...? You won't hobnob with other people, you'll leave you boyfriend, you'll borrow money without waiting her to give it back to you.... As much dative as you are, these aren't bases for a good friendship. These aren't bases for anything kind of relation.... The friends should be supported on the respect both of thems personality and the neccesities both of them (one of them is yours!).

Most of your answers B
*You can do better:
You're the best friend-exemplar! So, why don't you want to be the friend who can everyone trust you? You have some elements in your character that block you to be good in your friendships and these elements are usually about your egoism or your low confidence. Try to take away your competitiveness that you feel for your friends. Also, try to boost the way you support your opinion. You have a lot to give! Don't be afraid of others!

Most of your anwsers C
*Count on me:
You know how to be "best freind" in the hole meaning of this word. You aren't afraid of giving things to others and share everything that you have. Simultaneously, you have the sence of where stops the profitability and where starts the utilization. You hane the unusual talent to have balance in your relations and that's what make people respect you and value you just like you do. The friends that you have today, will be near to you forever!

Most of your answers D
*Treackerous friend:
What's that attract otr=hers to you, is your strong personality and yours character "power". You say exactly the things without addnd any "sauses". You don't change your habits for anyone, and that's maybe shows a strong personality, but that's means that you lose the value of being friend. Friendship means to do recedences and accept other the way he/she is. Be careful, because with your behavior you hurt others without knowing that you do so. If your target is to make friendships that will hold on time, you should learn to make some receedences.

So, are you a real best friend???

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